Suicide affects entire families, communities, and regions. After a suicide happens in a village, everyone--especially young people--is at higher risk for suicide. The 'cluster effect' is real in our communities, but there are things that we can do to diminish suicide risk for others after someone has made an attempt or died from suicide. The graphic below illustrates what kinds of support help prevent additional attempts, and how to talk safely about suicide. 

References to support learning circle 8: postvention:

Cox, G.R., Robinson, J., Williamson, M., Lockley, A., Cheung, Y.T.D., & Pirkis, J. Suicide clusters in young people: Evidence for the effectiveness of postvention strategies. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention. 2012;33(4):208.

Kral, M.J. & Idlout, L.(2009). Community wellness and social action in the canadian arctic: Collective agency as subjective wellbeing. In: Kirmayer LJ, Valaskakis GG, eds. Healing traditions: The mental health of aboriginal peoples in canada. Vancouver, Canada: UBC; :315-334.