Success of the PC CARES training-of-trainers model detailed in International Journal of Circumpolar Health

How do the developers of PC CARES train the local leaders to deliver to the program? What skills and knowledge do facilitators gain during the 40-hour training of facilitators? How feasible is the Training of Facilitators (ToF) as a replicable program component and how can it be improved? These questions are explored in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health.

During the ToF, 32 people from 11 northwest arctic village communities prepared to implement the intervention in their home communities. Facilitators completed pre-post surveys that focused on readiness to facilitate. A group quiz assess participants’ understanding of relevant research evidence, and practice exercises demonstrated facilitator competency. To see whether facilitators were delivering the curriculum as designed, fidelity and accuracy scores were calculated using audio recordings of the learning circles by two independent raters.

Download the full article here.


Wexler, L., Trout, L., Rataj, S., Kirk, T., Moto, R., & McEachern, D. (2017). Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide: learning and behavioural outcomes of a training-of-trainers model to facilitate grassroots community health education to address Indigenous youth suicide prevention. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 76, 1.