PC CARES Facilitators

PC CARES has a dedicated and ever-growing network of facilitators, volunteers, community activists, and supporters across the village communities of Alaska. These folks are the heartbeat of the program: They make PC CARES come alive in their communities, and for that our gratitude knows no bounds. If you see one, give them a hug!

Facilitators trained in Northwest Arctic in 2016.

Facilitators trained in Northwest Arctic in 2016.

In 2019, we grew a lot! The next Training of Facilitators was attended by 41 people from Northwest Arctic, Bering Strait, and the Yukon-Kuskokwim regions of Alaska.

In 2019, we grew a lot! The next Training of Facilitators was attended by 41 people from Northwest Arctic, Bering Strait, and the Yukon-Kuskokwim regions of Alaska.


2023 Training of Facilitators in Girdwood, AK

2019 Facilitation Teams

  • Andrea Kelly, Ambler

  • Lois Douglas & Michelle Kubalack, Kotzebue

  • Claudia Sampson & Christina Westlake, Kiana

  • Darlene Hadley, Buckland & Roberta Moto, Deering

  • Elsie Sampson & Delores Field, Noorvik

  • Liz Ivan, Akiak & Kim Smith, Bethel

  • Filma Peter & Sarah Henry, Akiachak

  • Cheryl Burnstern, King Cove

  • Leanna Isaac, Bethel

  • Edwin Weiyouanna, Esther Iyatungak, Lucy Weiyouanna & Patrick Iyatunguk, Shishmaref

  • Mali Apatiki, Lida Kaningok, Zilma Gologergen, Edna Apatiki & Troy Apatiki, Gambell

  • Keith Morrison, Panganga Pungowiyi, Rhonda Sparks & Aktaasiaq Ahmasuk, Nome

  • Emma Olanna (not pictured), Mikey Picnalook, Maranda Kakoona & Abigail Crockett, Brevig Mission

  • Ryan Topkok, Kiara Okleasik, Jenny Lee & Josie Garnie, Teller

  • Wendy Kava-Seppilu & Jospeh Kingeekuk, Savoonga