PC CARES Learning circles debut at the University of Michigan

Over the last four months, PC CARES has been offered for the first time to members of the University of Michigan (UM) campus community. Learning Circles (LCs) took place in-person every month at the School of Social Work, with LC 2 occurring virtually over Zoom. These LCs were co-facilitated by Dr. Lisa Wexler and Dr. Elizabeth Evans.

Adapting PC CARES to this new institutional setting has been crucial to illustrating the effectiveness of the program model with different audiences. 

Attendees of PC CARES at UM included staff and graduate students interested in school safety and youth wellness from various professional and personal backgrounds. Discussions among participants represented interactions between both interdisciplinary and intergenerational perspectives. Getting to engage with these diverse yet complementary insights was a notable highlight for all those who attended!

Reflections from participants underscored the importance of taking a community-centered approach to suicide prevention. They shared feeling empowered and uplifted, as well as ready to collaborate and implement what they learned into their own work following the LCs. The gaps embedded in traditional suicide prevention trainings and interventions were also mentioned, with many attendees being open and candid about their own professional blind spots and biases, such as the language of warning “signs” around suicide risk–which can be inadvertently stigmatizing to suicide survivors.

During the fifth and final session, participants were given the opportunity to pick their favorite LC and share why it was especially impactful. Learning Circle 4, which covers grief and healing, was the top contender! Attendees felt it was a poignant session exemplifying how prevention exists at the intersection of the personal and professional. Though it was a bittersweet ending, everyone walked away with new friends and the knowledge that prevention is something we can all do, everyday, together.

PC CARES named a Suicide Prevention Best Practice by SPRC

Exciting news—PC CARES has been named a “Suicide Prevention Best Practice” by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)! The SPRC is a trusted library of suicide prevention resources and programs that have shown to be effective and are advancing health equity in the field. This recognition encompasses both the PC CARES Learning Circle curriculum and the Training of Facilitators (ToF) model. Our inclusion on the SPRC’s Best Practice Registry affirms the critical importance, value, and impact of centering community empowerment and engagement in suicide prevention. 

Since its pilot in 2015, PC CARES has engaged over 500 trusted adults in community conversations to reduce suicide risk and build capacity for wellness throughout Northwest Alaska, the Bering Strait and Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Participants represent a variety of social roles—such as parents, teachers, providers, counselors, and community health workers—and have shown increases in their suicide prevention knowledge, preventative actions taken, and collaboration with others to promote youth wellness and suicide prevention. Our research has shown that PC CARES participants spread what they learn with the people close to them, causing learning to “diffuse” to community members who’ve never attended PC CARES. 

PC CARES is built on the principle that community members are best able to drive positive and sustainable change in their own communities: it takes a village—and all the organizations in it—to prevent suicide. PC CARES learning circles foster a supportive co-learning environment where participants can openly discuss mental health, learn about proven prevention strategies, and strengthen their capacity to support each other. Our program’s inclusion on the Best Practice Registry underscores that these efforts are essential and powerful.

Many contributed time, thinking, and dedicated work to making PC CARES a success—from the facilitators who bring learning circles to life, to the community members who participate in these conversations. Their support and engagement are the foundation of this milestone achievement. We look forward to continuing our work with renewed inspiration, knowing that PC CARES is not only valued but recognized as a best practice in our shared fight against suicide.

If you’re interested in learning more about PC CARES or how you can get involved, visit our page on the SPRC’s Best Practice Registry here. Let’s keep these important conversations going—together, we can make a difference.

Planning meeting for IRINAH grant with Community Steering Comittee

Members of the PC CARES Community Steering Committee met in late April for an introduction to the project, new team members, and a review of recent findings and curriculum revision.

L-R back row: CSC members Leanna “Bubbles” Isaac, Evelyn Day and Roberta Moto, University of Michigan sjtudy staff and PhD candidate Lauren White, CSC member Diane McEachern, Valarie Pingayak, and Munick Chappel. Front row, L-R: PC CARES research team members Angel Zhong, Lisa Wexler, Elizabeth Evans, and Tara Schmidt.

On the first day, Lisa provided an overview of PC CARES and its evolution, highlighting some of the benefits: PC CARES structure with the Rural Human Services program provides lots of support for facilitators and helps PC CARES continue to grow; Individuals who are trained gain the confidence to facilitate learning circles in their communities; Facilitators have the freedom to make culturally appropriate adjustments that fit with their community.

We talked about considerations when expanding PC CARES to new populations or subject areas, including potential opportunities and challenges. We reviews the expending project that are pending or currently in progress.

Thinking about bringing PC CARES to new audiences, we shared our “elevator pitch” with each other in a quick, fun activity.

Finally, we talked about how to approach Tribal Nations for permission to conduct research and how to jsupport RHS student then they embark on this process themselves. The important of relationship-building with tribal councils was discussed, and potential barriers RHS nmay encounter and antidotes to those barriers.

On the second day, we tried out some new activities in the learning circle that discusses grief and postvention (LC4). After participating in learning circle demonstration, the group talked about what we liked and how to improve it. Lauren shared an overview of the Focus Groups that took place with RHS Students after doing PC CARES learning circles as their practicum project in 2023-24. Finally, each CSC member and staff member wrote a question our statement based on the meeting. It could be a question for participants, research staff, other CSC members, or for yourself, to revisit a few times in the weeks and months after out time together.

Download a more detailed meeting summary here.

5 more years of research funding awarded for PC CARES

Dr. Lisa Wexler and the PC CARES team has received a prestigious R01 grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to support her project "Efficacy-Implementation Study for PC CARES in Rural Alaska." This research, part of the NIH Intervention Research to Improve Native American Health initiative, aims to reduce suicide risk and promote mental wellness in Alaska Native communities by training local leaders to share suicide prevention best practices. The project will also provide valuable insights into the implementation of evidence-based interventions in rural Tribal communities, continuing to support PC CARES efforts with Rural Human Services students at both the University of Alaska Fairbanks Yukon-Kuskokwim Campus and the Interior Alaska Campus.

Read more here.

PC CARES researchers guest on Health Promotion Practice (HPP) Podcast

S3 Ep. 36 Exploring Alaska Native Youth Supports for Suicide Prevention with Dr. Diane McEachern and Lauren White

In this episode, Cynthia Begay is in conversation with Dr. Diane McEachern and Lauren White about their research in rural northwest Alaska Native villages on the quantities, types, sources, and frequency of support that Alaska Native youth and young adults had. They discuss the impact of colonization on education, and they reaffirm the existing support that occurs in Native communities. Furthermore, they offer ways that research can be more nuanced for Native communities to perhaps better measure support for males, use traditional milestone markers instead of age, pivot away from Western terms like informal and formal supports, and focus on involving the whole community.

This episode references the article titled “What Kinds of Support are Alaska Native Youth and Young Adults Reporting? An Examination of Types, Quantities, Sources, and Frequencies of Support” by Kelly L. Markowski, PhD, Lauren White, MPH, Sela R. Harcey, MS, Tara Schmidt, MPH, Diane McEachern, PhD, LCSW, MSW, Patrick Habecker, PhD, and Lisa Wexler, PhD, MSW.

Listen to the podcast episode (48 mins) here.

PC CARES Bulletin - June 2023

What’s in this issue?

  •  Preliminary evaluation outcomes of Virtual PC CARES

  • Opportunities to attend all four Virtual Learning Circles this Fall!

  • Free In-person Training of Facilitators for PC CARES, November 8-10, 2023

  • Learning How to Support PC CARES Facilitators from the experiences of RHS Students

  • Sharing our Story: National conferences and workshops


Evaluation of Virtual PC CARES: What Do Our Findings Say?

We have been analyzing our evaluation data from PC CARES (special shout out to Dr. Holly Laws) and have very promising outcomes! We wanted to give you a sneak peak of our preliminary findings from both our community-based and virtual learning circles.

People who took part in virtual PC CARES learning circles felt more confident in preventing suicide compared to those who did not participate. This means that PC CARES is empowering individuals to play an active role in preventing suicide.

We also examined how participants’ behaviors changed when it came to preventing suicide. We found that in 12 out of the 18 behaviors we measured, participants showed improvement from the beginning to the end of the program.

The areas where we saw the biggest improvements were helping young people find support, listening to their experiences, discussing grief, working with other adults to prevent suicide, and helping after a suicide happens. We also found that more students were reaching out to adults for help.


Virtual Learning Circles Offered

Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide (PC CARES) will offer virtual learning circles this fall. This free course involves 4 virtual 2-hour sessions. Each session builds on the next, and it is highly recommended that participants attend all four. Sessions are interactive and participatory, involving multimedia presentations, small group discussions, surveys and polls.

The training will be conducted virtually, on Thursdays from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM, starting on September 28th and continuing on October 5th, 12th, and 26th.

Continuing education credits are available: https://www.pc-cares.org/education-credits

Register to join the learning circles here: https://umich.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUoduqrqjIuHdGpPxo_lYeVVYjLdPuEYq2v#/registration

Learn to Facilitate PC CARES in November 2023

We are excited to announce the upcoming Training of Facilitators November 8th, 9th, and 10th for people who have attended virtual or in-person PC CARES learning circles and are interested in becoming a PC CARES Facilitator. This comprehensive training will equip facilitators with the necessary skills, knowledge, and materials to host learning circles in their home communities.

It is FREE, supported by the National Institutes of Mental Health and a partnership with Maniilaq Association’s Alaska Native Education Program.

Capped at 32 participants, the 3-day Training of Facilitators will take place in Girdwood, Alaska. Because of the limited space, we will prioritize teams of 2 people from the same community in the Northwest Arctic and Bering Strait regions. Sign up on or before September 1st to attend. Participants will be notified by September 12, 2023 if they are among the 32 people selected to attend, or if they are on the waitlist.

To register, you must attend (or plan to attend) all four learning circles (on Zoom or in person) within the past 2 years.  If you haven’t had a chance to participate in learning circles yet, plan on attending our virtual sessions (see above).

PC CARES facilitators play a crucial role in creating safe spaces for conversations about suicide prevention within our communities. Your dedication and commitment will make a real difference. Together, we can work towards building a stronger, more supportive community. Register today to secure your spot in the Training of Facilitators: https://arcsapps.umassmed.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=JLYHNMHENY

For more information, visit pc-cares.org/training or email pccares@umich.edu

RHS Students Wrap-Up Learning Circles

This November was a unique opportunity for students in the Rural Human Services (RHS) program to partner with PC CARES for their certificate practicum project. Students in the RHS program travel from their remote villages to attend residential weeklong intensive training sessions each month for two academic years, then complete a practicum as a culmination of the experience. Twenty-two people were trained in November through the RHS program; 18 were RHS students.

  • 16 RHS students completed 4-The number of atte5 learning circles

  • RHS students supported and partnered with each other to host LCs

  • 35 LCs happened between November 2022 and May3023


Nurturing Success and Overcoming Challenges: Insights from PC CARES Facilitators in the RHS Program

After successfully implementing PC CARES learning circles in their communities, RHS student facilitators participated in a focus group to explore their thoughts about what worked (and what could be helpful) for them as they recruited and hosted five learning circles in their home communities. They discussed the challenges they faced, aspects that made the process easier, and identified ways that PC CARES can provide support to overcome these difficulties. Here are a few ‘take aways’:

Characteristics of PC CARES: Designed for Ease and Ownership

Facilitators highlighted the ease and flexibility of the PC CARES program as a crucial element in successful implementation. The program’s adaptable format allowed them to tailor the content to their communities’ unique needs. By incorporating local strengths, facilitators were able to create a relevant and helpful experience for community members. Many felt empowered by the experience:

“These learning circles have been very empowering for myself and I think for the participants. … at the end of the meeting they seem to hold themselves up a little more. They get to bring things into to light that they might have carried for so long. It reminds them that they have all the tools they need inside them, even underneath all those rocks they carry.”

Additionally, PC CARES increased awareness of the resources available in their region. The user-friendly manual served as a valuable tool, guiding facilitators through the process effectively.

The Power of People: Support Systems & Intentions

The RHS program itself was a fertile example of intentionally cultivating a community of practice where students forge close and trusting relationships. Facilitators heavily relied on support from their peers, providing encouragement, sharing strategies for inviting participants and navigating challenging situations. The involvement of other students and practicum instructors, some even traveled to support fellow RHS students in other communities, was extremely helpful. Facilitators found that facilitating in teams of at least two people allowed for mutual support, distribution of responsibilities, and the sharing of ideas and experiences.

Recruiting people intentionally was an important consideration for many PC CARES facilitators.  Having Elders’ presence, wisdom and guidance provided a foundation of cultural and community connection. Facilitators found that inviting individuals they knew personally helped create a comfortable and supportive environment within the learning circles. Family members also played a crucial role, providing encouragement and understanding throughout the process.

The Implementation Process: Preparing for Success

Facilitators emphasized the importance of thorough preparation to ensure successful learning circles. This involved posting flyers, utilizing social media, organizing door prizes for attendees, engaging in conversations with local leaders, finding Elders to participate, and preparing food for the sessions. As facilitators gained experience, they noted that each subsequent learning circle became easier due to their growing knowledge and improved organization. One facilitator said,

After the first circle I felt like I was scared of nothing and felt better knowing everyone who showed up were all there to support us.”

Contextual Factors: Suicide is a Hard & Important Topic

Facilitators said that prior participation in training such as ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) as part of the Rural Health Services program gave them greater confidence in discussing suicide in crisis situations.

Some RHS students found holding learning circles with a small group that they knew after a recent suicide death was healing. Participants wanted to do something for their community during that time.

RHS students noted that inviting individuals to learning circles could be challenging. They expressed the need for greater awareness of PC CARES in the region, suggesting that mandatory participation in learning circles would facilitate broader engagement.

Looking Ahead: Training and Partnership Guidance

Facilitators expressed the desire for training sessions to include guidance on finding partners with whom they could host the learning circles, as well as orienting them to their roles, and maximizing their contributions to the learning circles. This additional support would enhance collaboration and promote effective facilitation.

Recent PC CARES Presentations

  • Society for Prevention Research in Washington DC, preconference workshop - Offering a Novel Critical Education Based Approach for Balancing Scientific and Community Knowledge to Mobilize Communities for Equitable Prevention and Wellness: the PC CARES Model

  • RHS Advisory Council – Diane McEachern presented about The inclusion of PC CARES as the class of 2023 RHS cohort’s practicum project to the Advisory Council, which consists of former RHS students who give guidance on the direction and programming for the Rural Human Services certificate

  • National Tribal Health Conference – Josie Garnie and Tara Schmidt presented an overview of the PC CARES model along with LC1 to an audience of about 60 people

  • Messages of Hope: 2023 Alaska Suicide Prevention Conference in Anchorage - Listen/watch:


    At 6:50 Lisa starts the first of 2 talks about PC CARES, which takes about an hour, focusing on safe homes: how just making it 10 mins harder to access a loaded gun can save a life. The second session starts at 1:18:55, and talks about how non-demanding acts of kindness can increase help-seeking.


Highlighting local support and self-determination, KNOM explains how PC CARES works in the Bering Strait

News coverage from KNOM in Nome talks about the paradigm shift in the PC CARES from a one-on-one counseling, healthcare-based solution, to a community-based model where friends, parents, grandparents, school staff, etc. can all do their small part to keep youth safe, healthy and connected.

Kotzebue-based PC CARES facilitator profiled by KOTZ radio in anticipation of the first Learning Circle

After the Training of Facilitators in late fall 2019, leaders like Michelle Kubalack return to their communities and host five Learning Circles with up to 20 people to discuss how to promote wellness and address suicide.

First training of Facilitators celebrated on the Maniilaq Association blog

The 40-hour training of facilitators was lead by Lisa Wexler and Diane McEachern, who developed the training, and Roberta Moto, Tanya Kirk, Evelyn Day and Lisa Ellanna, who provided insight and guidance to the process to ensure that the training and the PC CARES approach are culturally-based and respectfully done.